Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We did it! Thank you!

I'd like to thank all of you who donated before December 1, 2008 for helping me raise over $1,000! Benchmark #1 has been reached! More than 1/3 of my required minimum and 21% of my personal goal of $5k! I'm so touched by your support!
I said I'd give the incentive prize to whomever helped the most and I'm humbled to say that my sweet, sweet Uncle Daniel pushed me over the edge.
He is a full time student in acupuncture school and works two nights a week at a neighborhood watering hole in Hayes Valley - Place Pigalle - if you're in SF, go say hi to him on Tuesday or Saturday night and tip him well!
He's been a wonderful support for me in this new millenium - starting with trekking out to the cornfields of Iowa to help my mom reprazent my family unit at my college graduation, then giving me a place to live when I first came to San Francisco and now always giving me pints of pear cider and introducing me to all of his watering hole friends every time I stop by to visit.
All of you have left me awed by your generosity and humbled that you have such faith in me. I promise to make you all very proud!

Wanna help me reach my goal?

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