Saturday, July 21, 2007

dreaming is such a tease

I've had some seriously deranged dreams lately. I even had "the strangest dream I've ever had" - which is pretty monumental considering I've had many, many strange dreams.

One of my favorite of the recent dream selections involved someone who has written me off in waking reality, communicating to me in pictograms that she's warming up to me again. I woke up feeling really good. I'm too scared to tell her about it - to break the ice, if you will - as she's made it quite clear that she's not interested in having anything to do with me anymore and she peppers her language to me with threats of bodily harm.

I wish I could remember what the pictograms were. In the dream it was really fun deciphering them and then talking about them with her.


Thursday, July 05, 2007


last night I dreamed of blood
it was deep and dark
and I was in it
there was a black haired maiden at my feet
urging me to tear myself open
even more